Wednesday, January 11, 2012

coming home

So sorry we have not been able to keep everyone posted in the past several days. We have not had access to any internet until now.  The past week has been absolutely amazing! We just wanted everyone to know that we are alive and well:)) As for now, we are leaving to come home this afternoon from Kathmandu.  We just finished a wonderful breakfast here in our hotel. We are leaving to walk the streets and visit a Palace, then we will be on our way to the airport. Please pray for safe travels home as we begin our long travel home:) Some of us finally received our bags last night and we are still missing two. They are either in Delhi or Chicago so we will pick them up on the way back. Crazy! The team is amazing- some are recovering from a little bug so please pray for continual healing. This trip has been life-changing and unlike anything we have ever experienced.  We cannot wait to share with all of you what the Lord has done.  As for now-love you all and we'll blog as we travel home (depending on internet access). Hugs and kisses to all

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!! Praying and declaring over each of you traveling mercies as you travel back to Arkansas, clarity from the Holy Spirit for His plan on each one of your lives, and continued blessing and life change on all the people you met who live and remain in Nepal. To God Be The Glory!!!
